Private COIZ Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, which was opened by the Çerkezköy Organized Industrial Zone in the 2012-2013 academic year, was established to meet the intermediate staff needs of the Çerkezköy OIZ industrialists.

Private COIZ Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School has 5 fields: Industrial Automation, Electric-Electronics, Textile Technologies, Chemical Technologies and Machine Technologies.

Our school, which will provide four years of education at the college level, has a capacity of 1200; 40 Classrooms, Industrial Automation, Electric-Electronics, Textile Technologies, Machine Technologies, Chemical Technologies Workshops and Laboratories, Biology, Physics and Chemistry Laboratory, 300-person capacity Conference Hall, Library, Reading Hall, Multi-Purpose Indoor Sports Hall, Outdoor Football and Basket Fields, Student Assembly, Cafeteria, Dining Hall, Parent Meeting Hall, Mescit. The trainings to be given will be carried out not only in classrooms, but together with our industrial organizations, and theoretical and practical training will go together. Private Çerkezköy Organized Industrial Zone Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, although it is a private school, does not charge any fees from the students.

Considering that in our region, which has 284 industrial establishments, no qualified and well-equipped personnel will be left unemployed. Qualified and qualified personnel will be able to find a job wherever they go in the world, and our graduate students will not have trouble finding a job when they graduate. By learning a language from our school and graduating as competent individuals in their chosen fields, they will join the business world. Moreover, our students who want to continue their university education will be able to continue their higher education.

Our Çerkezköy Organized Industrial Zone, which pioneered the firsts, contributes to both COIZ industrialists and education with its exemplary school project.



Our Mission

Depending on our cultural values and especially the Ahi tradition
Adopting universal values and able to think freely, self-confident
Open to change, development and communication
Learned by practice and productive
To train technicians who are experts in at least one subject

Our Vision

Leader in technician training
Adopted as a model and brand
Preferred by students and their families
To be a school that raises individuals whose graduates do not worry about finding a job.

Our Core Values

Being Scientific and Rational
Being honest, giving importance to team spirit
Respecting our national culture and values
Adhering to the Ahi tradition, Being sensitive to the environment
To be tolerant and respectful of all cultures
Giving importance to job security and student safety